Education Professional to a Coach?
More importantly, how can I help you?
Navigating a life full of continual change led me to start using alcohol to cope with emotional pain. When I noticed the change in my relationship with alcohol, I knew it was time to evaluate the place I was giving it in my life - especially when I was more than capable at managing and organising everything else, personally and professionally.
Finding the peace of mind and freedom came from changing my thoughts and beliefs, instead of focusing on the behaviour I felt so helpless in controlling. Feelings based goals are lighter and easier for you to stay committed to. They can be worked towards in a range of ways, and celebrating progress in each step helps keep motivation high.
Often, clients come to me having been stuck in patterns of inaction, distraction, protraction or just the wrong action for them - and all of that just wastes time and doesn't get you to where you want to be. And that is why I created the three month course that stops you getting stuck in any of those loops. You want to be the leading lady in your own life, and in your professional role, and having control of your alcohol consumption is key to that!
When you change your mindset, you truly can change your life, and how you interact in the world. You are so much more than your thoughts and beliefs. You are the person who is most capable of meeting all of those needs. You are completely deserving of love and care - and you can learn how to be that adult you needed as a child, and even as an adult. I can hold that space and support you on your journey, while you discover how you do it best.
As I experienced the clarity of understanding and feeling the freedom of the life I wanted to wake up to, I started digging into more of what was possible through meditation, breathwork and other somatic exercises. As I worked with clients, I realised that often they too had pushed down the feelings in their body before they started to try to block out their thoughts, and this led me to train in Mind Body Coaching.
My coaching, programmes and free community meetups now incorporate grounding and centring practices, which allow clients to stay calm, present and mindful in the moment, and centred in intractions with others in personal and working relationships and interactions. This not only impacts the moment at the time, but reduces the worry, guilt and numbing as a default response at the end of the busy working day!
As Einstein said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.'
Basically, if you keep doing what you are already doing, your outcomes will be the same. Let's have a chat about how I can share everything that has worked for me in an offer that is tailored to you.
Click the button in the header for a free consultation and start that change right now. It's a win-win!
"If you put shame in a Petri dish, it needs three things to grow exponentially: secrecy, silence and judgement. If you put the same amount of shame in a Petri dish and douse it with empathy, it can't survive."
Dr Brene Brown